Agree on many points. I use an analog planner to hold a printed copy of my month plan (not calendar), week plan, and daily written schedule and priority tasks. I could never to use for future planning, other than to jot down something that needs to be done that I'll migrate to my digital system at the end of the day.
Google calendars are fantastic (I use them inside Fantastical) for calendaring, timeblocking, etc. My basic daily flow and future events are already in it, and when I do my weekly planning I can drag blocks around that need to be rescheduled/tweaked. And by using multiple calendars, I can see a clean display of just my outside commitments, my family members' schedules, my boss's schedule, and/or my timeblocking. Like you, I would never use it for tasks.
My project and task management is in Todoist, a program actually designed for task management, and it handles hundreds of tasks and dozens of projects smoothly and easily.
My notes, yearly/monthly/weekly planning, journals, etc. are all in one program, and that is Obsidian.