I have rules to keep myself from switching apps and losing productivity.
1. I have to be able to justify what feature I need the new system for, that I can't jerry rig the same feature in the app I am using, and that I would use it. Alternatively, I may be using a system that is now broken and needs to be replaced with something that works properly. Or in a couple of cases recently, I just can't tolerate the subscription price of the app anymore. I've had to cut back to run leaner in a few places.
2. I have to use the new app for at least a year, preferably two, before looking at anything else. Unless it is irretrievably broken. It takes that much time to find all of the useful features and time savers and to settle into routines and workflows that work efficiently. Any less than that, and I am likely losing time and efficiency in the switch.
My long-term apps are:
- Todoist
- Obsidian
- Google Calendar/Fantastical
- Gmail