I have written/formatted over a hundred books in Scrivener, used it for seven years, and eventually gave it up. (Though I do still use it to format my large print editions.)
I have several Scrivener projects get corrupted. Some of them wouldn't convert between version 2 and version 3. Some projects took a very long time to open or close (like half an hour). I assume because they had some low level corruption that was going on in the background. I lost work in Scrivener more than once, and some of the projects took up a huge amount of space on my hard drive.
Obsidian files are text files that can be edited with any text editor or word processor on any platform. You can access each one individually (rather than all being in one file on Scrivener). I moved from formatting in Scrivener and then tweaking the print copies in Word to formatting with Vellum, much faster and easier.
I also use Obsidian for a wiki/story bible for each of my series, with wiki like linking between entries.