I'm not picking on Notion in particular, so please don't take this as Notion-bashing. It is a tool that a lot of people are very happy with.
The more information you put into a database, the higher the chances are of it getting corrupted. I have dealt with corruption on a number of different apps or on the companies going out of business, so I am very leery of relying on any app where you put all of your eggs in one basket and don't even have a copy available on your computer.
It looks like Notion does have export capability, which can help you to recover from a disaster (only if you have been doing exports regularly.)
If I were using Notion, I would make sure to have at least a back-of-the-envelope plan as to how I/my business would recover if Notion did lose my information. There is a lot of helpful information if you search such things as:
notion lost everything
notion corrupted database
notion export issues