The writer stereotypes that get me are the ones that you see in the movies all the time. And aren't the movies written by writers? According to what you see on TV/the silver screen,
- writers spend most of their lives blocked and unable to meet deadlines
- the great American novel can be speed-written in one night, and is only half an inch thick
- writers are drunks
- writers put out one really great book and then fail (until they meet that special muse who inspires them to write the next great American novel.)
I like Jessica Fletcher because she pretty much writes every day, she knows her deadlines, she tells people that she needs writing time and then she actually does it. She teaches and helps others who are learning to write. She jogs and bikes. She has a neat home and a life. And friends.
Just be careful if you happen to be one of her nephews...
Oh, and I like Castle too. He at least does a few writerly activities in between his adventures. And he plays poker with James Patterson.