Unlock a World of Possibilities With P.D. Workman’s Subscriptions

P.D. Workman
2 min readAug 12, 2023

Are you a fan of mystery, suspense, thriller, and young adult content? Do you love diving into fascinating stories that keep you turning the pages long into the night? Well, I have some exciting news for you! I am thrilled to introduce my new subscription plans, which will bring P.D. Workman content into your inbox month after month.

I love writing about the underdog. My stories, from light cozy mysteries to darker, grittier young adult and mystery/suspense books, have been praised for their realistic details, deep characterization, and sensitive handling of serious social issues. I am passionate about exploring the struggles of those often overlooked or forgotten and giving them a voice. Now, with these subscriptions, you can join me on this incredible journey.

By subscribing, you not only support me as an author, but also help me provide a more predictable month-to-month income, allowing me to spend more time building relationships with my readers and delivering the fiction you love. That connection to you through my reader forum, online meetings, and day-to-day interactions gives me a boost and keeps me up to date on what you love (or hate). And that’s not all! Subscribers also gain access to a wide range of benefits and content that will make your reading experience even more enjoyable.



P.D. Workman

Writing riveting mystery, suspense, and young adult fiction about real life issues.